Ibuprofen is an NSAID – nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and works by lowering hormones (prostaglandins) which cause pain and inflammation in the human body.
These hormones are released in the brain, plus, they can also cause fever. This medicine will help relieve inflammation and pain after a single dose, however, its effect builds up over 10 days of taking it daily.
Other members of the NSAID class include – naproxen (Aleve), indomethacin (Indocin), aspirin, nabumetone (Relafen), and a few others.
In 1961, it was discovered by John Nicholson and Stewart Adams and marketed as Brufen. In 1969, this drug was first sold in the UK and then in the US in 1974.
In the present day, it is available on the market with the brand names of Motrin, Advil (for example, in 2013, Advil registered sales of about $490.9 million in the United States alone), and Nurofen. Advil and Motrin can be acquired over-the-counter in 200 mg tablets, while higher doses require a prescription.
It is used to relieve pain from a variety of conditions, including:
- general pain, like – a toothache, headache, back pain, knee pain, or foot pain;
- control fever, when someone has the flu;
- pain caused by the inflammation of a tendon (tendonitis) or straining a muscle;
- ease menstrual cramps and dental pain.
Is Ibuprofen A Blood Thinner?
If you have some specific conditions, such as – a congenital heart defect or an irregular heart rhythm, or if you’ve had certain medical procedures (such as a heart valve surgery), your health care specialist may prescribe a blood thinner medicine.
Ibuprofen can interfere with platelets, hence reducing the clotting capacity of the blood. Nevertheless, it has a weak effect compared to other medications which are specifically used to “thin the blood.”
Side Effects And Warnings
The most frequent side effects from using this medicine are:
- ringing in the ears;
- allergic reactions that may include – hives or itching, skin rash, swelling of the lips, face, or tongue;
- nervousness, dizziness, and headaches;
- ulcers in the stomach;
- an increased risk of stroke or heart attack;
- abdominal pain and bloating;
- nausea;
- blurred vision;
- constipation or diarrhea;
- drowsiness;
- kidney and liver damage;
- heartburn.
It may interact with the following meds – diuretics, aspirin, other medicines for inflammation (such as – prednisone), warfarin, lithium, and alcohol.
Do not use this medicine for more than ten days and more than the recommended dosage. In addition, do not take this drug if you have – asthma, bleeding disorder, or allergy.
Furthermore, do not take this medication during the latter part of pregnancy, unless specifically directed to do so by your healthcare specialist since it may cause complications in childbirth or severe problems in the unborn child.
Individuals who use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) may have an increased risk of having a stroke or a heart attack than persons who do not use NSAIDs.
These life-threatening events may happen without warning and may even cause death. This risk may be considerably increased in sufferers with increased risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
It is recommended to store this drug in a closed container at room temperature, away from moisture, heat, and direct light.
Natural Alternatives
#1 Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that has remained popular in Asia and India since 2,000 BC. For instance, its usage has been cited to promote the holistic health of the human body and has been long used in Ayurvedic practice.
According to research, turmeric has pain-killing properties which are comparable with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Also, this ancient spice does not cause side effects (like – toxicity to the liver, allergic reactions, nausea, and digestive upset) that are found in some cases of patients using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
#2 Ginger
This root is almost as effective as turmeric and is commonly utilized for the same medicinal purposes, especially for digestive problems. It can also reduce blood clotting, hence, reducing your risk of stroke and preventing further blood clotting.
#3 Omega 3
This essential fat acts as an effective blood thinner by reducing platelet aggregation. Healthy foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include – chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, leafy greens, and some legumes.
#4 Garlic
Consuming garlic can considerably lower LDL and total cholesterol, therefore, lowering the risk of heart disease and plaque formation as well as preventing the formation of blood clots in the human body.
Garlic is also a storehouse of the vitamin B complex, which lowers homocysteine levels in the body. Homocysteine is a non-protein α-amino acid that can damage the lining of the arteries resulting in numerous health problems.
#5 Pineapple
Bromelain, a potent enzyme found in pineapple, has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. More importantly, bromelain acts as a natural blood-thinner by reducing blood platelet adhesiveness.
Furthermore, bromelain acts as a protein digestive enzyme that prevents the formation of uric acid crystals. Having high levels of uric acid in the body may lead to gout, a type of arthritis that causes inflammation in the joints.
#6 Water
It is probably the best remedy against blood clots since by not intaking sufficient water, you are prone to hypercoagulation.
Featured image credit – Shutterstock
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References https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0010648/?report=details http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ibuprofen-oral-route/