Lime tree, scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, is a small shrub-like, which is grown year-round in tropical climates and is commonly smaller and less sour than lemons.
Originating in Southeast Asia, it was carried by Arab traders into Egypt and North Africa in the 10th century. In the present day, Mexico is the world’s largest producer and consumer.
This fruit is incredibly versatile and nutritious and is used in cosmetics, food (especially to make pickles, jams, snacks, sorbets, candies, cocktails, and other beverages), and cleaning products.
Nutritional Profile
It is rich in vitamins (including – vitamin C, A, E, K, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, B6, folate) and minerals (such as – iron, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium), and small amounts of fiber.
In addition, it contains antioxidants, like – flavonol glycosides-containing kaempferol, that according to studies, stops cell division in various types of cancers.
Health Benefits
A Rich Source Of Vitamin C
They are a storehouse of vitamin C (for example, 1 lime provides 32 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C), making it a great fruit to include in your regular diet, notably through the winter months to help improve your immunity to flu and colds.
Vitamins C is a water-soluble vitamin, that you cannot store in your body; therefore, you need it from your diet daily. Vitamin C helps in the production of various neurotransmitters, making this vitamin vital to brain health.
Moreover, it protects from oxygen free radical damage (they damage DNA of the cell and turn a normal cell into a cancer cell). Free radicals are usually produced due to oxidative stress.
Maintains Bowel Mobility
They contain limonene, a strong phytochemical which is beneficial for maintaining bowel motility, weight management, managing gallstones as well as a powerful detoxifier with an antibiotic effect which is protective against bacterial poisoning.
Lowers High Blood Pressure
They are a rich source of potassium, an essential mineral that is acknowledged to be effective in the elimination of the precipitates which get placed in kidneys and urinary bladder and toxic substances.
Potassium also works with sodium for smooth electrical transmission in the nervous system and brain.
Moreover, according to research, a diet that consists of foods high in potassium, particularly potassium from vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fruits, lowers hypertension – a major health problem in the world.
Helps Greatly In Digestion
The taste of this interesting fruit causes stimulation of the salivary glands to secrete enzymes which boost digestion.
Additionally, this fruit has remarkable compounds, named – flavonoids (such as limonin glucoside), that have antimicrobial, cancer prevention, and detoxifying properties that generate the mending procedure of oral and peptic ulcers.
Promotes Weight Loss
If you are trying to maintain your current weight or to lose weight, adding this citric fruit to your diet can give you a satisfying seasoning with some dietary fiber but without extra fat and calories.
The origins of the lemon are a bit foggy, but it is generally believed that they originated in China, India, and Burma and then entered Europe via Italy in the first century AD.
Along with other vegetables and fruits, in 1493, Christopher Columbus brought these nutritious fruits with him on his 2nd voyage to the New World. Moreover, they have been grown extensively in Florida since the 16th century.
They make a good garnish for salads and can also be squeezed over other raw vegetables and fruits to prevent them from turning brown.
Nutritional Profile
It is a good source of minerals (such as – iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and calcium), vitamins (like – vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B6, niacin, and pantothenic acid) and pectin fiber.
Moreover, the peel of this fruit consists of two layers: a white inner layer and the outer zest. Interestingly, the zest has essential oils – the most frequent of which is named – limonene.
Health Benefits
It’s One Of The Best Sources Of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which protects the cells from oxidative damage. According to a study issued in ”Stroke,” individuals with low vitamin C levels, particularly obese men with hypertension, have a higher risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.
Besides, this vitamin is a crucial nutrient for recovery from wounds and stress and maintaining good health.
Home Remedy For Upper Respiratory Infection
This fruit is efficient in fighting against problems related to upper respiratory infections, because of its strong antibacterial properties.
Kidney Health
Potassium is among the most important minerals since its role is to help the other essential minerals in the human body to do their jobs properly. Furthermore, the potassium content of this citric fruit helps nourish nerve brain and cells.
Also, hypertension can negatively affect kidney function, hence, not only this essential mineral is helpful with a high blood pressure, but is also enhancing the function of the kidneys.
Improves Digestion
This fruit helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as bloating and heartburn as well as it encourages healthy digestion by eliminating toxins in the digestive tract.
Moreover, consuming this fruit increase peristalsis in the bowels, helping to create a bowel movement. In order to enjoy these benefits, add the juice of a lemon to a glass of water and drink it in the morning.
Prevents Iron-Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is the most frequent type of anemia and occurs when you don’t get enough iron. In the United States, about 3.3 million women and 240,000 toddlers have iron deficiency anemia.
Consuming plant-based foods rich in iron (such as – broccoli, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, spinach, prunes, peaches, walnuts) with foods high in vitamin C maximizes the body’s capacity to absorb this mineral.
Cleans Your Gums
This fruit also helps you in taking care of your oral health. You may place a drop of lemon juice onto bleeding gums caused by gingivitis to help with a faster healing.
Weight Loss
More than 50 percent of adults and nearly 17 percent of children are overweight or
obese in OECD countries.
Lemons are high in soluble fiber, called – pectin, that helps fight hunger cravings. According to research, individuals who regularly consume this fruit (or other fruit containing pectin, like – apples, pears, plums, guavas, oranges, and gooseberries) lose weight faster.
Cancer Prevention
Various studies have supported the anticancer activity of limonoids, compounds that protect your cells from damage which, ultimately, may lead to the formation of cancer cells.
As well as combating cancer, these beneficial compounds have been shown to reduce LDL and total cholesterol levels.
Conclusion – Lime vs Lemon – Which Is Better?
In our opinion, lemons are healthier (they contain more vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamin, calcium, and copper) as well as they are more effective for weight loss due to the higher content of dietary fiber.