7 Essential Oils For Chigger Bites + Other Natural Remedies

Chiggers, also known as red bugs, are very small larvae members of the arachnid family. They aren’t dangerous; however, their bites can leave you with a strong urge to scratch.

They are tough to see with the naked eye due to their small length (less than 1/150th of an inch) and are usually found in forests, in berry patches, grassy fields as well as along creeks, lakes, and streams.


The area of the bite may be flat, reddened, or raised. Also, it looks similar to a blister or a pustule. Other symptoms that may occur include – prolonged and pronounced itching, hives, or welts.

Note – the itching is actually the result of your immune system responding to components in this bug saliva that has been injected into your skin. Some individuals may be overly sensitive to this type of bites and experience fever.

Here Are 7 Essential Oils For Chigger Bites:

It takes nearly twenty days for these bites to heal completely. No specific allopathic treatment is required, however, to control pain, itching, and swelling, you should try these simple natural remedies:

#1 Lavender

Not only does this essential oil relax and calm the mind and body, it also helps eliminate pain associated with bug bites and topical inflammation.

The best method to use this remedy is to dip a cotton ball into the oil and bandage it to the bites.

#2 Castor

It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and a natural emollient for dry skin and helps get relief from the pain and itching caused by the bites.

Moreover, it helps to get rid of the redness caused by the bite.

#3 Coconut

Virgin coconut oil will protect your skin and prevent any skin infection from scratching the itchy rash.

Furthermore, it has a soothing effect as well as strong antibacterial properties which make it a remarkable natural remedy for insect bites.

#4 Tea Tree

There are natural compounds in the tea tree oil which cancel out the enzymes used by chiggers to break down the human skin.

Also, it helps to lower the inflammation and itching of the bite. However, don’t forget that it is very strong and should not be applied topically undiluted.

#5 Eucalyptus

It has been used to soothe and calm the skin after small scrapes, cuts, and bug bites because it acts as a natural pain reliever to the area as well as it protects the area from getting infected.

#6 Peppermint

It is amazing for preventing infection and relieving pain. Additionally, peppermint brings relief from pain by increasing blood circulation around the bite area.

#7 Thyme

This remedy native to southern Europe safeguards stings and bites against infection. Thyme oil also helps to keep wounds, cuts, and sores clean and infection-free. As a side note, it is an irritant to some sensitive individuals and can increase blood pressure.

Other Remedies For Chigger Bites

Baking Soda

It possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can help lower the inflammation and itchiness.

You just need to mix the baking soda with water and to make a paste. Important note – be sure not to “rub it in” to the bite, but just coat the surrounding area with this paste.

Aloe Vera

It has been a trusted ingredient in numerous treatments for beauty and health problems, and this type of bites is no exception. The main reason for its effectiveness is due to the excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


You can apply an ice pack for a few minutes. However, you should never apply ice directly to the bitten area, but wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and then use it.


Taking a shower or bath as soon as possible after any possible exposure to these bugs may prevent a possible bite.


It has anti-irritant properties that can relieve the swelling and itching related to these bites. More importantly, it neutralizes possible allergic reactions caused by a bite.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to the strong antiseptic and anti-itching properties, ACV will help you in getting rid of swelling, itching, and inflammation. As an astringent, it also helps in relieving pain and clearing up bug bites.

You can dilute apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water, and apply it topically to the affected area with a cotton ball.


The easiest way to prevent these unpleasant bites is simply by avoiding walking barefoot in low-lying vegetation, bushes, or other areas where these bugs may be present. The bites can also be prevented by washing the clothing worn outside in hot water and using insect repellents.

When camping or hiking in potentially infested areas, it is recommended to wear a long sleeve shirt and long pants which are tucked into socks or boots.

Also, always launder infested clothing at least two times before wearing them again. Lastly, these bugs are attracted to dark colors, such as black and navy blue, thus, it is best to avoid these colors when going in nature.

Image credit – Shutterstock

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