Persimmon vs Tomato

Persimmon vs Tomato – Differences In Taste & Health Benefits:


It is an edible yellow-orange fruit that resembles the shape of a tomato.

It comes from the persimmon tree, a member of the Ericales order of plants, that also includes blueberries and Brazil nuts.

This delicious fruit grows best in areas where winters are moderate and summers relatively mild. It is popular among chefs for many uses, including jams, relishes, and desserts.

There are 2 varieties which are generally available in stores:

  • Fuyu – it is considered non-astringent and can be enjoyed even when not completely ripe;
  • Hachiya – it is astringent and needs to be fully ripe before eating.

Nutrition Facts

100g of persimmon contains:

  • 70 calories;
  • 3.6g Fiber – 14% daily value;
  • 0.6g Protein – 1% DV;
  • 1627 IU Vitamin A – 33% DV;
  • 7.5mg Vitamin C – 13% DV;
  • 0.7 mg Vitamin E – 4% DV;
  • 2.6mcg Vitamin K – 3% DV;
  • 0.0mg Thiamin – 2% DV;
  • 0.0mg Riboflavin – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Niacin – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Vitamin B6 – 5% DV;
  • 8mcg Folate – 2% DV;
  • 8mg Choline;
  • 8mg Calcium – 1% DV;
  • 0.2mg Iron – 1% DV;
  • 9mg Magnesium – 2% DV;
  • 17mg Phosphorus – 2% DV;
  • 161mg Potassium – 5% DV;
  • 0.21mg Zinc – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Copper – 6% DV;
  • 0.5mg Manganese – 18% DV;
  • 0.6mcg Selenium – 1% DV.

Health Benefits

Reduces Inflammation

Due to its high content of antioxidants and tannins (a group of phytochemicals that are present in various concentrations in many vegetables and fruits), the persimmon fruit has been shown to help relieve inflammation levels in the body.

In addition, tannins, under certain conditions, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Lutein & Zeaxanthin

This fruit contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two eye nutrients that may reduce your risk for macular degeneration (an eye disease which affects the retina, leading to progressive loss of the central vision) and cataracts (when a small transparent disc inside the eye develops cloudy patches).

Alongside a range of other antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for guarding the body against the negative impact of free radicals.

An interesting property of zeaxanthin and lutein is that they absorb certain wavelengths of light.

Dietary Fiber

This fruit is a storehouse of dietary fiber, a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Fiber comes in two varieties, both beneficial for overall health:

  • insoluble fiber – it can help food move through your digestive system and does not dissolve in water;
  • soluble fiber – it can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels, and it dissolves in water.

High intake of foods rich in dietary fiber is linked with a lower incidence of both the number of deaths from heart disease and heart attacks.

Because dietary fiber increases feelings of fullness, it has also been shown to enhance weight loss among obese and overweight individuals.

More importantly, fiber prevents the accumulation of cancer-causing compounds since it substantially shortens the retention period of waste materials.


Tomato (the scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum) is among the highest-value crops in the world. It is considered both a vegetable and a fruit and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, particularly in the Mediterranean region.

In the US, tomatoes account for approximately a billion dollars in sales annually.

Nutrition Facts

100g of tomato contains:

  • 18 calories;
  • 1.2g Fiber – 5% daily value;
  • 0.9g Protein – 2% DV;
  • 833 IU Vitamin A – 17% DV;
  • 12.7mg Vitamin C – 21% DV;
  • 0.5 mg Vitamin E – 3% DV;
  • 7.9mcg Vitamin K – 10% DV;
  • 0.0mg Thiamin – 2% DV;
  • 0.0mg Riboflavin – 1% DV;
  • 0.6mg Niacin – 3% DV;
  • 0.1mg Vitamin B6 – 4% DV;
  • 15mcg Folate – 4% DV;
  • 0.1mg Panthothenic Acid – 1% DV;
  • 7mg Choline;
  • 0.1mg Betaine;
  • 10mg Calcium – 1% DV;
  • 0.3mg Iron – 1% DV;
  • 11mg Magnesium – 3% DV;
  • 237mg Phosphorus – 2% DV;
  • 5mg Potassium – 7% DV;
  • 0.2mg Zinc – 0% DV;
  • 0.1mg Copper – 3% DV;
  • 0.1mg Manganese – 6% DV.

READ MORE: Mamey Sapote Fruit – Health Benefits

Health Benefits


Tomato contains substantial amounts of lycopene, a potent antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer-causing free radicals. The lycopene in tomatoes also prevents the oxidative degradation of lipids, hence, exerting a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.

A number of studies indicate that the regular intake of high levels of lycopene notably reduces your risk of developing colorectal, prostate, and stomach cancer.

Moreover, eating foods rich in lycopene helps decrease the levels of triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood) and LDL cholesterol, therefore, reducing the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

Lycopene has an ultraviolet ray reflecting attributes, hence, reducing the possibility of damage as a result of sun exposure.

For instance, there were 40 percent fewer sunburns after ingesting 40 grams of tomato paste with olive oil, daily for three months, according to a 2001 study which was done at the Institut für Physiologische Chemie I and Biologisch-Medizinisches Forschungszentrum, Germany.

READ MORE: Banana vs Avocado

Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause is the time that marks the end of the menstrual cycles. Some women go through menopause without any unpleasant symptoms or complications. However, some women find menopausal symptoms debilitating. Some of these symptoms include:

  • mood changes;
  • irregular periods;
  • loss of breast fullness;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • dry skin;
  • thinning hair;
  • slowed metabolism;
  • weight gain;
  • sleep problems;
  • night sweats;
  • chills;
  • hot flashes.

Regular consumption of tomatoes helps alleviate some menopausal symptoms, according to a 2015 study published in the Nutrition Journal.

READ MORE: Mangosteen vs Mango

Antioxidant Properties

Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids). These two components help the human body to remove the harmful free radicals in the blood. This is important since free radicals are known to cause some types of cancer.

Carotenoids also help safeguard the optic nerve and improve night vision as well as reduce damage to the macula of the eye. Additionally, carotenoids have the ability to increase anti-viral activity. In time, this leads to less frequent cases of flu and colds.

Persimmon vs Tomato – Taste

Persimmon tastes mainly sweet. However, the non-astringent persimmon is sweet and edible all the time, whereas the astringent persimmon gets its sweet flavor only when it completely ripens.

The taste of a tomato is a unique combination of sweet (like a strawberry), bitter, sour, and juicy (like a plum).

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