Top Ten Healthiest Countries in the World:
Singapore has been acknowledged as the world’s healthiest country according to a list compiled by Bloomberg, which ranks countries using data from the World Bank, the World Health Organisation, and the United Nations.
The Bloomberg rankings gave each country with a population of one million or more a health score and a health-risk score. Each country’s place was determined by subtracting its risk score from its health score.
The word “healthy,” however, is open to interpretation.
A ranking defining healthy by „quality of life” rather than „life expectancy” (life expectancy equals the typical number of years a person born in a given country would live if mortality rates at each age were to remain constant in the future) might include lower-income countries which report higher levels of life satisfaction. People are living longer, but longer lives don’t automatically mean healthier lives.
People are living longer, but longer lives don’t automatically mean healthier lives.
Top ten healthiest countries in the world:
10. Germany
Life expectancy: 82
Total health expenditure per capita: 5002$
According to a report by the German Economic Institute in Cologne, more than 50% of all German citizens are extremely satisfied with their lives, and only 2 percent describe their level of contentment as low.
In Germany, every street has its own dedicated bike lane. Another plus for Germany is the fact that people here are much more conscious of their food quality. Germany also does well in terms of water quality, as 95 percent of people say they are satisfied with the quality of their water.
9. Sweden
Life expectancy: 82
Total health expenditure per capita: 4904$
It’s probably no surprise to you that long work hours may impair health, jeopardize safety and increase stress. They work fewer hours.
People in Sweden receive a minimum of 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Moreover, researchers at the Nordic Centre of Excellence have found that a few Nordic ingredients are responsible for improving health, lowering cholesterol, and reducing the risk of heart disease.
Some well-known superfoods are staples of the Swedish diet, like oats, blueberries, rutabaga, and potatoes.
8. Netherlands
Life expectancy: 81
Total health expenditure per capita: 5217$
The Dutch love greasy foodstuff but have intelligently mastered eating in moderation. You will rarely see supersize portions served in restaurants here, and one will usually come away from a meal feeling satisfied as opposed to „stuffed.” In addition, the Dutch travel nearly everywhere by bike.
These two-wheeled contraptions are so well-ingrained in Dutch culture that, on average, each household owns at least three. The Netherlands has also come top of 28 European countries for physical exercise, which may account for some of their health.
7. Spain
Life expectancy: 84
Total health expenditure per capita: 2898$
Spaniards, in general, are very friendly and enjoy having a good time. Indeed they are renowned for their love for parties and celebration of Spanish fiestas.
Exercise is one of the keys to staying happy, and Spain is an amazing place to get back to nature and enjoy the outdoors.
The weather is great, so Spain is the perfect place for jogging, cycling or just taking a stroll.
Another reason is the Mediterranean diet, which is based on a balanced and complete diet, following principles such as simple preparation and the use of fresh, local products, and if possible, seasonal.
6. Israel
Life expectancy: 82
Total health expenditure per capita: 2428$
There are approximately 300,000 vegans in Israel. At nearly 4% of the country, activists say Israel has the highest per capita vegan population of anywhere in the world. And the trend appears to be accelerating. The truth is that becoming vegan in Israel is relatively easy.
There are vegan cooking workshops and courses, vegan blogs, a new smartphone app called Vegan Spotting that locates vegan dishes served in your area, online vegan cooking programs, and a slew of new businesses that cater to vegans, like an online vegan shop selling everything from vegan pet food to vegan condoms.
Also, Israel was ranked 14th on the United Nations’ first World Happiness Report.
5. Japan
Life expectancy: 85
Total health expenditure per capita: 3768$
Japanese people have the world’s highest life expectancy, an average of 84. There is also less cancer in Japan, and the reason isn’t fully known, but it’s considered that green tea may help lower the risk.
Japanese people traditionally eat little red meat and almost no foods that contain saturated fats (the „bad” fats).
There are incredibly fewer deaths from heart disease, and they also add lots of ginger to many dishes, which helps lower cholesterol.
Tea consumption is an integral part of the everyday Japanese lifestyle. This habit puts them in the top 10 tea-drinking nations — ahead of their bigger neighbor, China.
The best, healthiest parts of Japanese cuisine have little to do with individual food items. It has to do with the way food is consumed: lots of variety.
During a normal day, a Japanese person consumes about 15 to 20 types of food if not more; nutritionists in Japan urge everyone to eat at least 30 different kinds of food a day.
4. Switzerland
Life expectancy: 83
Total health expenditure per capita: 6466$
Switzerland is home to one of the world’s most thriving economies and also one of the happiest populations on the globe. Switzerland has the eighth-lowest rate of depression in the world, which may have a sizeable impact on their health. The Swiss walk everywhere. To the grocery store.
To the post office. To work. Granted, it helps to have a great public transportation system to cut down on driving, but still. You’ll see people walking everywhere, no matter the weather.
In addition, Switzerland has one of the lowest obesity rates in Europe (around 9%), on par with France, Sweden, Italy, and the Netherlands, and well behind Britain, where around 25% of adults are considered obese.
3. Australia
Life expectancy: 83
Total health expenditure per capita: 3866$
Physical activity has been identified as an essential contributor to maintaining good overall health. According to the latest ABS Australian Health Survey (AHS), in 2011–12 adults spent an average of just over 30 minutes a day doing physical activity. Australian society is very multicultural, young, and open-minded.
The average age is 37. It’s a place where people from all over the world come to contribute and share a modern nation living experience: Australia may not have the history of some countries, but it certainly has a bright future ahead.
2. Italy
Life expectancy: 83
Total health expenditure per capita: 3126$
One benefit Italians have is that everything they eat is organic. They are not a mass-producing country, and most of their fruits and veggies come from their own farms. One exception to this is tropical fruits.
Also, Italians don’t go on diets. Things like diet Coke, low-fat, and low-carb packaged foods, and margarine are non-existent in Italy. They also walk more and lead a less stressful life, which has been proven to decrease weight gain.
1. Singapore
Life expectancy: 83
Total health expenditure per capita: 2,507$
The Southeast Asian city-state is widely regarded as a health care superstar, particularly when compared to the U.S. and the infant mortality rate is a mere 2.3 deaths per 1,000.
Furthermore, Singapore has just been named one of the 25 happiest nations in the world, and the happiest in Asia, in the 2015 World Happiness Report.
The largest contributing factor to Singapore’s high ranking in the report is its gross domestic product per capita, which was $71,318 last year.
One of the world’s most successful healthcare systems is built on the principle that personal responsibility is good. People in Singapore are not just living longer, but also staying healthy for more years.
According to recent research, the least happy countries are from Sub-Saharan Africa. Togo is in last place at No. 156, followed by the Central African Republic, Benin, Rwanda, and Burundi.
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