Chlorine Dioxide – Side Effects (Autism) And Uses (Mouthwash):
Chlorine dioxide is a chemical substance with the molecular formula ClO2. It was discovered in 1814 by Sir Humphrey Davy.
This yellowish-green gas crystallizes as bright orange crystals at −59° C. As one of the several oxides of chlorine, it is an oxidizing agent used in bleaching and in water treatment.
Nowadays, over 95 percent of the chlorine dioxide produced in the world is made from sodium chlorate and is used for pulp bleaching. A much smaller, but important, market for ClO2 is its use as a disinfectant.
One of the most important characteristics of this substance is its high water solubility, particularly in cold water. The first commercial application was in 1944 as a biocide/taste and odor control agent in domestic water at Niagara Falls in the USA.
Since 1999, a growing proportion of this compound has been made globally for small-scale applications, and water treatment has been made using the chlorate, hydrogen peroxide, and sulfuric acid methods, which can produce a chlorine-free product at high efficiency.
As a disinfectant, it is effective at low concentrations due to its unique traits. Furthermore, it is used for bleaching of wood pulp.
It is also used in some brands of mouthwash since it is extremely effective in eliminating bad breath.
For instance, according to a 2010 study that was done at the Department of Oral Health Promotion, Japan, rinsing with mouthwash containing ClO2 for 7 days, morning bad breath decreased substantially.
Side Effects of chlorine dioxide
Chlorination of potable water supplies high in organics may yield carcinogenic substances such as trihalomethanes. ClO2 has been proposed as an alternative disinfectant to chlorine.
However, it is a strong oxidant that forms considerable amounts of chlorite when mixed with potable water supplies, and chlorite is similar to nitrite in its molecular structure and may be similar in its mechanism of methemoglobin production.
Chlorites and nitrites are thought to act synergistically to produce MetHb. Neonates and persons with G-6PD (an enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which is important for assuring a normal lifespan for red blood cells and for oxidizing processes) deficiency are likely to be unusually susceptible to MetHb formation from these substances because their red cells lack the metabolic machinery to adequately protect against oxidant stress.
Considering that male blacks represent the largest population in the United States to be G-6PD deficient, black male neonates may represent the group at the highest risk of the use of this chemical substance as a disinfectant in the nation’s water supplies. (1)
On July 30th, 2010, and on October 1st, 2010, the FDA warned against the use of the product „MMS” or „Miracle Mineral Supplement”.
Miracle Mineral Supplement is a toxic solution of 28 percent sodium chlorite in distilled water.
The product contains essentially the same chemical as industrial-strength bleach before „activation” with a food-grade acid. The name was coined by Jim Humble in his 2006 book – The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century.
Autism is a spectrum disorder that causes behavioral and social problems.
The symptoms of autism are typically both behavioral and social:
Behavioral symptoms include:
- having problems sleeping;
- being less or more sensitive to sensory stimulation, like – loud noises;
- becoming preoccupied with specific parts of an object, like – the wheels on a car;
- an inability to cope with changes to their environment or routine;
- developing a high level of skill in certain areas, like – art or mathematics;
- having obsessive interests in specific topics;
- distancing themselves from others;
- repetitive behaviors, like – rocking from side to side or saying the same thing over and over again.
Social symptoms include:
- difficulty understanding perspectives other than their own;
- facial expressions that do not match the context of communication;
- avoiding eye contact;
- discussing their interests in great detail;
- responding inappropriately to others;
- difficulty maintaining or initiating a conversation.
Children with autism spectrum disorder frequently have co-occurring conditions, like:
- developmental delays;
- gastrointestinal problems;
- immune disorders;
- epilepsy.
MMS has been marketed as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including cancer, HIV, autism, and acne.
The Food and Drug Administration warnings informed consumers that Miracle Mineral Supplement can cause severe harm to health and stated that it has received many reports of nausea, life-threatening low blood pressure caused by dehydration, severe vomiting, and diarrhea.
Miracle Mineral Supplement is not approved for the treatment of any affliction, and, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, chronic exposure to small doses of this toxic compound could cause reproductive and neurodevelopmental damage.
Sodium Benzoate (E211) – Side Effects (Allergies)
Artificial Sweeteners Side Effects and Disadvantages During Pregnancy & Weight Loss
The Side Effects of Sodium Nitrite – E250
Source – 1
I am aware that chlorines reaction with organics in water creates carcinogenic compounds. There is no long term evidence that shows cancer in humans from chlorine in drinking water, but the EPA has taken precautions and has set limits in parts per billion on some of the compounds as a better safe than sorry response.
On the flip side, the Number 1 killer in the world is waterborne diseases,malaria,cholera, dysentery, ect…Estimates suggest over 1.5 million deaths annually from these diseases worldwide.
These diseases are limited to only a few cases annually in the United States, where all public potable water has treatment standards in which chlorine is used in 99% of public municipalities disenfection treatment process.
Take your pick of the lesser of two evils.
Nowadays It’s common to degrade the role of public safety in modern water treatment, there are some horror stories “i.e. Flint”. But I’d be more concerned about the carcinogenic pesticides and fertilizers on most all foods from salad to rice. And if you live in a city, as most do in the US, breathing the exhaust from transportation and industry is certainly carcinogenic at much higher levels than drinking water may have. Just my opinion.
I’ll take nausea and vomiting over death from malaria any day. 1 chlorine molecule with 2 oxygen attached. It starts as sodium chlorite (table salt) you add an acid and it turns into ClO2 – CHLORINE DIOXIDE. In the body the oxygen breaks off to oxidize any cells that ARE INFECTED because the natural PH of those cells are more acidic than normal cells. CIO2 has no effect on normal cells because the PH of normal cells is the same as CIO2. But if you like dying from a virus or infection stick to the pharma plan.
God bless you. Thank you for speaking the truth. Kerri Rivera is where I got my information on chlorine dioxide. She has been helping cure autism and other neurological disorders. It is not bleach. Stop being sheep and do your own due diligence. We can heal without big pharma and big brother telling us what’s good and what’s bad.
Have you ever experienced pale colored stools? This has me worried.